Excellent Training has been sharing a vision for securing and protecting you and your business for over 20 years. Through educating, consulting, assessing and advising, our team ensures you obtain the skills and knowledge necessary to protect yourself and all you value within the cyber security realm.


Navigating The Current Cyber Security Landscape

Clients will leave this one hour course with a clear understanding of basic security controls, the most common types of threats, and general knowledge regarding cyber security industry standards.

Clients will obtain and learn to implement the following:

-Understand the differences between an Incident, a Breach and Data Disclosure

-Identify Internal and External breaches and how these happen

-Offensive and defensive strategies and when to apply each

-Learn tips and tricks to protect yourself and your business information NOW

Implementing Cyber Security Controls

This one day course Is an overview of what you should know and do to prevent, counter and handle potential cyber security attacks. Through high quality teaching modes, with great attention to detail, clients will leave with a full understanding of how to implement and utilize 7 of the most important tools for fighting and preventing threats.

The goal of this course is to convey a real world understanding of how to:

-Vet, hire and manage IT staff within an organization

-Teach maintenance protocols for long term safety

-Impart comprehensive knowledge in order to appropriately and effectively manage and control IT systems on par with industry standards

The 7 Tools Necessary For Your Cyber Security Toolbox-Expanded Courses

Clients will have previously learned the basics of these course in the Implementing Cyber Security Controls class. The expanded versions take a more thorough and in depth look at the necessary security principles of each individual control (ex: the how’s and why’s of security privileges, separation of duties and mandatory vacations); each control is taught separately in one day courses. See below for a list of the 7 controls/courses.

-Network Security

-End Point Security

-Social Engineering Defense

-Data Risk Management

-Threat Management

-Asset Control
